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Boost Your Social Media Strategy with Evergreen Content That Converts

September 01, 20233 min read

In today's social media landscape, standing out takes strategy and consistency. Simply posting once in a while won't cut it anymore. To truly engage your audience and position your brand as an industry leader, you need a content marketing plan that incorporates recurring evergreen content.

What is Evergreen Content?

Evergreen content is social media content that remains relevant and valuable over an extended period of time, regardless of when it was originally published. It is not tied to trends or current events that quickly fade from relevancy. Some examples of evergreen content include:

  • How-to articles and tutorials

  • Tips or advice lists

  • Ultimate guides

  • Reviews

  • Explanatory articles

  • Interviews

  • Case studies

  • Quizzes

This type of content can continue generating visibility and engagement for months or even years after publication.

Why Evergreen Content Works

There are a few key reasons why evergreen content makes for an effective social media strategy:

It Has a Long Shelf Life

Unlike timely content, evergreen posts do not expire. As long as the information remains accurate and useful, it will keep bringing in new visitors over time. Older evergreen content can also be refreshed by updating stats, links, etc. This longevity means you can continue driving traffic and leads from old posts.

It Ranks Well in Search Engines

Specific, informative evergreen content tends to perform well in search engine results pages (SERPs). This incoming organic traffic is essentially "free" visibility. A strong evergreen content strategy will boost your SEO.

It Builds Brand Authority

Evergreen content allows you to create "pillar content" that covers topics in-depth and positions your brand as a thought leader. Over time, you build an expanding library of authoritative content and become a go-to resource in your industry.

It Converts Visitors into Leads

Informative, valuable content helps connect with visitors and turn them into leads. Evergreen content educates people throughout the buyer's journey. Whether they're just starting their research or ready to purchase, you have content tailored to each stage.

5 Types of Evergreen Content That Work

Here are some proven evergreen content formats to work into your social media editorial calendar:

1. How-To Articles

How-to and tutorials naturally lend themselves to evergreen content because they provide timeless information and instructions. For example, an article on "How to Use Instagram Stories to Promote Your Business" will always be relevant. Make a series of instructional posts to cover a topic from multiple angles.

2. Expert Roundups

Quote roundup articles where you ask industry experts for their tips on a subject can attract views indefinitely. For example, "27 Entrepreneurs Share Their Best Business Growth Tips". Readers love advice from authorities beyond just your brand.

3. Comparison Posts

Comparisons that contrast products/services by different criteria or rank options are evergreen. For example, "360 Video Platforms - Which is Right for You?" These help people make informed decisions.

4. Listicles

From step-by-step guides to Top 10 compilations, list-based posts make highly scannable, engaging evergreen content. Lists are easily skimmable but contain detailed advice.

5. FAQs

Content structured around resolving frequently asked questions in your niche serves as a long-term educational resource. You can answer each question in detail in its own subheading.

Evergreen Content Promotion Strategies

Driving traffic to your evergreen content over the long-term requires an ongoing promotional strategy. Here are some best practices:

  • Feature old evergreen posts regularly in social media posts and newsletters.

  • Link to relevant evergreen posts from within new content you publish.

  • Add links to evergreen content in your email signature and messaging away messages.

  • Repurpose evergreen content into multiple formats like video, podcasts and infographics.

  • Optimize evergreen posts with SEO best practices like meta descriptions and strategic internal linking.

  • Refresh old evergreen content with updated information, new images/videos, and current links.

Let Your Content Work Overtime

Creating a bank of strategic evergreen content takes more initial effort than disposable temporary or seasonal posts. But you'll reap the benefits for months and years after publishing. The recurring value of evergreen content makes it well worth the upfront work. Let MS3IT Business Solutions help you craft content with longevity that will elevate your brand's authority while winning new business.

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